
How To Adopt A Stray Cat While Keeping Your Cat Safe


According to the ASPCA, there are as many as 70 million stray cats in the United States, and many of these cats are either lost or have been abandoned by their owners. If a friendly furry visitor has been paying your property regular visits lately, you may be tempted to open your heart and your home to the whiskered waif. If you already have one or more cats in your household, follow these tips in order to provide a safe and harmonious introduction to your family.

22 February 2017

Tips To Relieve Your Dog's Itchy Skin


It's no secret that dogs seem to love to scratch. The issue is when the scratching becomes so frequent that the skin begins to look irritated or fur begins to fall out. At this point, the scratching indicates the likelihood of a skin condition, usually allergies or dry skin. The following tips can help you relieve your dog's itchiness. Tip #1: Perform an inspection You can't properly treat the root cause if you don't know what it is.

21 February 2017

3 Reasons To Ensure That Your Dog Is Vaccinated


One of the most important things that you can do when you own a dog is to make sure that he or she is vaccinated on a regular basis, mostly due to the fact that it can help prevent diseases that can actually be life-threatening for your dog. Listed below are three reasons to ensure that your dog is vaccinated. Avoid Legal Issues A major reason to ensure that your dog is vaccinated is that some vaccinations are actually legally required if you are going to own a dog.

17 February 2017

Cat Farts That Smell Like A Skunk (And Other Mysteries Explained)


All animals pass gas. That is just a fact of nature. Just because an animal is really tiny or really large does not mean that this does not happen. From a veterinarian's standpoint, it becomes a problem when the smell is absolutely foul, overwhelming and/or accompanied by other symptoms. If your cat is farting, and it smells like a skunk entered the room, here is how a veterinarian might explain it.

15 February 2017

Dog Health And Wellness | 4 Ways Acupuncture Can Benefit Your Golden Retriever


If you have a golden retriever, you know just how intelligent (and mischievous) the breed can be. And if you're like many golden retriever owners, you probably consider your highly intelligent dog to be a close member of the family. Therefore, you may be wondering if your golden retriever can experience benefits from acupuncture. Golden retrievers, like other dogs, oftentimes do experience benefits from acupuncture. Here are four such benefits. 1. Pain Relief

9 February 2017

Choosing A Vet For Your Pet Parrot: What To Look For


Owning a parrot is a major responsibility. Not only do you have a wonderful pet that can quickly learn to mimic things you say or do, but you also have a companion for most of your life. Some breeds of parrot, including the popular cockatoo, can live upwards of 25 years. With this kind of commitment, you need to make sure you give your pet regular veterinary care, such as beak and nail trimming, vaccinations and vitamins, and checkups to make sure they are at the right weight and not suffering from bird diseases.

8 February 2017

Professional Boarding Facilities Can Be The Best Choice For Your Pets


If you are going to be going out of town, then you may be trying to decide whether you should have someone check in on your pets at your home, have someone watch your pets at their home, or take your pets into a pet boarding facility. The decision will ultimately be up to you and depends on what you feel the most comfortable with. However, there are a lot of benefits that come with taking your pets to a professional boarding facility, and you can learn what some of those benefits are in this article.

8 February 2017

Natural Remedies To Help Your Dog's Itchy, Allergic Skin


When your dog has sensitive skin or allergies, you will want to help alleviate his suffering. However, you don't always want to use harsh chemicals or drugs when something natural will work. Just like humans, dogs can get relief from a variety of natural home remedies and foods administered in the proper way. Here are a few suggestions on how to keep your pet from suffering from annoying skin problems. One caution, however, since you know your dog has sensitive skin and allergies, be sure to test these remedies in small amounts at first.

18 January 2017

Time To Get Your Pup Neutered? 3 Tips For A Healthy Recovery


If you're about to have your pup neutered, it's going to be a little uncomfortable for a few days. It's important to remember that your pup will have had major surgery, which means it will need to be given some extra love and attention during the recovery period. In addition to the post-operative instructions that your veterinarian will provide you with, here are three steps you can take to make sure your pup has a healthy recovery.

18 January 2017

Aches, Pains, And Sprains: When To Take Your Dog To The Emergency Vet


Pets can hurt themselves. Whether your dog has been frolicking in the snow or has simply slipped on the way to their food bowl, you might notice that they've acquired a little bit of a limp. But it can be difficult to determine whether you want to commit to an expensive emergency vet bill -- especially if your pet doesn't really seem to be in any pain. Here are some ways you can determine whether your pet's injury is severe enough to warrant an emergency treatment.

13 January 2017