
Three Reasons A Veterinary Office Should Convert To Digital X-Ray Machines


It seems like most everything used in business today has gone digital, and a veterinary practice is no exception. But there's one area many practices haven't converted to digital, and it could just be one that has the largest impact. Digital x-ray machines are popping up in more practices than ever before, and it makes a great deal of sense, too. Here's a look at three of the biggest advantages of digital x-ray machines compared to traditional ones, especially when it comes to a vet's office.

11 January 2017

3 Prep Steps To Take When Adopting An Elderly Dog


Now that you've decided to adopt an elderly dog and help make the rest of their life a comfortable experience, it's time to start prepping for their homecoming. Here are a few important prep steps to make when adopting an elderly dog: Set Up Bi-Yearly Checkups One of the most important things you'll need to do as soon as you bring your adopted elderly dog home is find a reliable veterinarian to work with.

10 January 2017

3 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Elderly Pet


One of the hardest parts about owning a pet is watching as they begin to slow down due to their age, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you cannot do things to make your pet's golden years more enjoyable and comfortable. Listed below are three steps that you can take that can improve your elderly pet's quality of life and potentially increase their lifespan. Make Dietary Changes One of the most important things that you can do in order to keep your pet healthy in his or her elderly years is to make dietary changes.

9 January 2017

Allergy Season Will Soon Be Here: 4 Tips To Alleviate Your Dog's Hay Fever Symptoms


Spring will be here before you know it. If you suffer from allergies, you know it's time to get ready for hay fever season. What you might not know is that your dog could be suffering from hay fever, as well. If your dog comes down with a serious case of itchy skin each spring, chances are it's suffering from the same condition that has you reaching for allergy medications. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to keep your pet comfortable.

9 January 2017

A Great Day With Your Pet Can End Abruptly. Be Mindful Of These Two Hazardous Circumstances


If you own a pet, you likely appreciate their companionship. You may have spent many days together at your home or out enjoying a pet vacation or outing. Some people get comfortable with these fun and routine activities and do not realize situations that could be dangerous for their pets.  Travel Perhaps you have a habit of getting your pet and going for a drive without a second thought. You may have never considered that pets can get injured in vehicles.

16 December 2016

Reasons Your Dog May Be Constipated: Tips For You


If you have a dog that is usually quite regular in terms of when they need to go outside to relieve themselves and have a bowel movement, it can be quite disheartening to take them out repeatedly and have them not even try to go or even worse, to crouch down and try to have a bowel movement and be unable to do so. Constipation in dogs can be a sign of many different issues, some of which may require a trip to the veterinary hospital.

15 December 2016

5 Steps to Relieve Clogged Anal Sacs in Your Small Dog


Have you ever wondered why dogs always greet other dogs by smelling their rear ends? It's because they have anal sacs that excrete odors that are unique to each dog. Each time dogs have a bowel movement, the anal sacs are emptied. Occasionally, the anal sacs can become clogged—which can cause the sacs to fill with fluid. When that happens, your dog can experience a feeling of fullness or discomfort. Small dogs are prone to anal sac clogs.

27 October 2015

The Cat Who Came Back To Life Five Days After Burial


Most stories about feline friends having nine lives are taken with a grain of salt, knowing that science doesn't really provide a reality in which a living creature can cheat death nine times. In the middle of this technological and scientifically advanced world, however, there are still some situations that surprise even the greatest expert. One such case is that of Bart, a one and a half year old cat who was tragically hit by a car and sorrowfully buried in a shallow grave by a neighbor (the family was too sad to handle the burial themselves).

3 February 2015

Did Your Puppy Yelp After Chewing an Electrical Cord? Here Is What to Watch For


Puppies are curious creatures and they teeth a lot. Sometimes this teething curiosity leads them to chew on things they shouldn't, like electrical cords. It is likely that you may not see your puppy chewing on an electrical cord. If your puppy yelps and you figure out that an electrical shock occurred, use this guide to look for specific symptoms that your vet needs to look at. Redness on Tongue or Mouth

3 February 2015