Ouch, My Foot! Pet Paw Protection In Winter Months


Are your dog's paws protected this winter? There are many seasonal hazards that can inflame and irritate your dog's paw pads, and some easy ways to ensure paw protection during the winter.

Things that could cause harm to your dog's paws during cooler weather include:

  • The trouble with snow is that it can build up between your dog's toes where it can irritate and chafe. Furthermore, subjecting your dog's feet to a cold, snowy surface for extended periods of time can cause frostbite.
  • The salt used for melting ice on sidewalks and roadways can burn when it comes into contact with your dog's paw pads.
  • Chemicals used to melt ice and treat roadways can irritate and inflame paw pads. It also can cause an abrasive surface for your pets so try to provide some cushioning for their feet during winter months.

Some tips to keep your pet's paws protected this winter are:

These boots were made for walking. Dog shoes and booties are made to protect your pet's paws from whatever happens to be underfoot. Stretch tight or restrictive pet booties over a drinking glass to expand them and make them more comfortable on your dog's feet. Booties also provide a bit of cushioning on uneven or irritating terrain.

When in doubt, wax. Make a simple DIY wax to protect your furry friend from the irritants that can harm your pet's paws. Over a low-heat, melt three-ounces of pure beeswax with three-tablespoons of coconut oil and three-tablespoons avocado oil. Add three-teaspoons of calendula oil (if you can find it). Transfer to a covered container of your choosing and allow to cool and set; rub the resulting wax on your pet's paws before and after they go outdoors.

Come back inside. During colder seasons, limit the time that your dog spends outdoors. Come up with creative ways to entertain and exercise your canine inside, such as interactive games and runs. Consider dog boarders and day-cares for daily outings that will socialize your dog and tire him out while you are at school or work.

Give 'em a look. Routinely check your dog's paws when they come in from the outside to make sure they are not bringing in excess salt, pebbles, or chemicals on their feet, which they could ingest later. If you notice your dog excessively licking or biting at their paws, take a closer look; this could be a sign of your pet's discomfort.

Wipe on, wipe off. Make a habit of wiping and cleaning your pets' paws when they come in from outside, including between their toes where pebbles, salt, and ice can accumulate. Keep a box of pet-friendly wipes near the door so that you can conveniently watch out for incoming dirt and debris.

Use these tips to protect your pet's paws this winter. Talk to a veterinarian like http://www.kenmorevet.com about treatment for inflamed or irritated paws if your pet exhibits signs of discomfort or pain.


24 February 2017

Happy, Healthy Pets: Everything You Need to Know

Hello, my name is Katrina, and I love my dog. We live out in the country, so he is able to run a lot. He even has neighboring dogs who come to see him and play. However, fresh air and exercise are not the only things he needs. He also needs a healthy diet, the right shots, and care for his mental health. If you are a pet owner, you will love the tips that I plan to include in this blog. I'm going to focus these posts on everything you need to know to keep your dog happy and healthy. I hope these ideas help you, and I wish you and your pet many years of happiness and good health together.